Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week 6.1

Today we will begin our exploration of the Indus River Valley civilization.  Please use your syllabus to guide you in reading the assigned pages in your text.  Also, remember to work on the Indus River civilization parts of your E-Portfolio.  The first half of your E-Portfolio will be evaluated during Spring Break, beginning on March 11.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

                Laissez les bons temps rouler! (Mardi Gras King Cake)

Week 5

Happy Mardi Gras!  This week we will finish up exploring the civilization of Ancient Egypt and complete the study of our first world religion: Judaism.

For Thursday, please complete your readings of this section and also read this link concering the Inscription on the Ishtar Gate - you do not have to submit an analysis of this primary source.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week 4.2
                                   The Hyksos invade Egypt (Middle Kingdom)

Remember that there are no BHCC classes on Monday as it is President's Day - a national holiday.

For Tuesday, prepare a written discussion of the primary source assigned for Egypt:  The Status of Women in Egypt found at the following link:

Also, for your E-Portfolio, think about your response to the Critical Thinking Question for Egypt:

The position of Pharaoh changed from that of a god in the Old Kingdom to that of a "shepherd of the people" in the Middle Kingdom. Discuss reasons why that change could have occurred.
(Document any outside sources you consult in preparing your answer.)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Week 4.1

Today we begin our exploration of ancient Egypt.  An excellent website that we will look at in class is called: Aspects of Life in Ancient Egypt.  Here is the link: http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/timelines/topics/index.html

For your E-Porfolios, begin to complete the assignments for Egypt in: media, threads, and critical thinking questions.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 3.2

Today we will explore other cultures that flourished in the ancient Near East.  Next Tuesday, we will begin our exploration of the Egyptian civilization, so you should have your E-portfolio completed for the Mesopotamian sections.

Reminder: Map Quiz 1 is on Tuesday and will we given at the beginning of class.  Please be on time!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 3.1

Remember that Thursday, February 9th is your first due date for your E-Portfolio.  The assignment is to complete the section "About Me".  Be sure to discuss your interests in history and mention a favorite battle or personality in ancient history. Please do not include personal information.  This assignment will be graded only as "OK" for being submitted on time.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 2.2 - Mesopotamia

For Tuesday, February 7th, prepare the Primary Source article found in your syllabus about the " Creation of the Pickax by Enlil" http://www.piney.com/BabPickax.html

We will discuss this article in class and you will then hand in your written piece.  This assignment should be about making connections to other ideas, in your own culture or in others.  It should contain some insights such as: "What did the primary source article mean to you?"  Do not describe the article - react to it!  Write a paragraph of your reactions in about 7 - 8 well-formed sentences to hand in on Tuesday.

We will talk about Mesopotamian foods in class on Thursday. Here is a recipe for an authentic dish.  Notice that the ingrediants were all available in ancient Mesopotamia.

                                        Mesopotamian Lentil Stew
 §  1/2 cup fresh chopped cilantro (coriander), divided
 §  3 carrots
 §  3 celery stalks, including leaves
 §  2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
 §  1 large onion, diced
 §  1 clove garlic, crushed
 §  2 cups dry red lentils
 §  1/4 cup pearl barley
 §  2 qts. vegetable or chicken stock
 §  1 1/2 tsp cumin
 §  1 tsp dried parsley
 §  1/2 tsp sumac (optional)
 §  1 bay leaf
 §  Salt and pepper to taste

Roughly chop the cilantro. Scrub the carrots, then cut them into chunks (do not peel). Cut celery into chunks, including leaves. Reserve.  In a medium sized soup pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add diced onion and saute till translucent.  Add garlic, carrot chunks, and celery. Continue to saute till onion turns golden and ingredients begin to caramelize. Add red lentils and barley to the pot, stir. Cover mixture with 2 qts. of broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer. Add 1/4 cup of the fresh cilantro to the pot along with the cumin, hyssop or parsley, sumac (optional) and bay leaf; stir. Cover the pot and let the stew simmer slowly for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, stirring every 30 minutes, until barley is tender and the stew is thickened. At the end of cooking, season with salt and pepper to taste. Garnish bowls of stew with the remaining fresh cilantro. Serve as a one pot meal or with a side of sliced bread. In ancient times, this sort of stew was usually served with bread on the side so it would be more filling. While Mesopotamian bread was generally coarse and unleavened, I'd recommend serving this with a rustic whole grain sourdough loaf or bread made from barley.