Tuesday, May 8, 2012

                          Mansa Musa:  King of Mali's Journey to Hajj in 1312CE
Week 15.1

It is the last week of class!  Where did the time go?  Today we will be completing our investigation of Africa.  Remember that there is a map quiz on Africa this Thursday.

For Thursday's class we will begin with the map quiz and follow up with a show by students who have volunteered to show their Powerpoint Presentations.

Final grades for the course will be posted by Tuesday morning (May 15th).

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Week 14.2

Today we will investigate Islam, it concepts and history.  Then we will follow the routes of Islamic expansion into Africa.  For next Tuesday, make sure you have read your book on Africa,  Next Thursday there will be a map quiz on Africa.

For exam #2 on China and Greece.  You have until next Tuesday to do exam repair.  That means  you write down the question you got wrong.  Put in the correct answer, then add two additional facts about the idea.  You can earn back half of every point you lost.

Explore:  The British Museum recently concluded an exhibit called The Hajj: Journey to the Heart of Islam.  The website shows some great footage and provides additional sources.  Check it out: http://www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on/past_exhibitions/2012/hajj.aspx

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

                                  Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist
Week 14.1:

Today we will complete the Roman civilization and examine the origins of Christianity, a religion that rose during the world domination of  Imperial Rome.  For Thursday, we will begin to study Islam and follow its spead into Africa.  Please read the sections in your book on Islam and early civilizations in Africa. You will receive your last map (Africa) on Thursday and your last test, a map quiz, will be on the final day of class, Thursday, May 10th.  Also you can sign-up via e-mail to make a 3-minute presentation of your E-Portfolio Project (in PowerPoint) on the last day of class.  Volunteering to present will earn you 3 extra points for your E-Portfolio grade.

E-Portfolio Contest Update:  The deadline for applying to the contest has been extended to Wednesday, May 2.  I recommend you sumbit your E-Portfolio to at least three categories:  See, Learn, Know.

E-Portfolio evaluation.  As stated in your syllabus and online, I will begin evaluation of your E-Portfolios this evening.  As mentioned in class, I will start at the end of the roster this time and work my way up. Your PowerPoint Project is to be uploaded into your E-Portfolio by May 6th.  If you have already loaded it into your portfolio, I will grade it when I evaluate the other areas of your E-Portfolio.