Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday, September 29

We finished discussion of the Egyptiam dynastic period and moved on to Nubia, also called the Kingdom of Kush after its rise to power.  From there we re-looked at the Assyrians and Hittites.  We also talked about plague that devastated the Hittites even before the "Sea Peoples" came and ravaged the land.  If you are interested, look at these links that discusses the plague that was present at that time as well as an analysis of the origins of the mysterious Sea Peoples:      
1. Ancient Bioweapons     2. Sea Peoples

For next Tuesday, we will pick up where we left off and finish discussing the Israelities, the Chaldeans and the mighty Persians.  Please finish up the chapter with these new powers in the Fertile Cresant.

Currently, there are no projects on the schedule for presentation next week.