Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Painting of Nimrud by Austen Henry Layard

Week 2 - Mesopotamia


You are welcomed to come to the classroom between 2-2:30pm on days we have class to get help with your Portfolios, PowerPoint presentations, or any other question on the course.

Map Test #1: Tuesday, February 14th

Here is a copy of your first map.  You will receive one in class as well.  If you have interest, check out this discussions of the world's most ancient cities.  It looks like Jerico and Byblos have the best claims to the title: World's Oldest Cities

Label the following: (25 points)
Water features: The Nile, Tigris, Euphrates;  The Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf; The Straits of Hormuz; Physical Features: Zagros Mountains, Taurus Mountains   Regions: Sumer, Akkad, Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt, Nubia;   Cities:  Memphis, Jerico, Tyre, Eridu,  Ur, Uruk, Babylon, Ninevah;   Deserts: Sahara, Arabian, Syrian.  
(Extra Credit: Label up to six additional features ( ½ pt. each) for a possible 3 extra points.)