Wednesday, April 4, 2012

                                      Poisedon, Athena, and Cecrops

Week 11.2

We are continuing our exploration of Ancient Greece.  For next Tuesday, please prepare for the discussion of the Primary Source on Greek Slavery:

Also, we will have a map quiz on Greece on Thursday, April 12.

As I have posted two legends for you about Greece, here is a third.  How did the city of Athen's get it's name?  The legend of the Naming of Athens is a good one - read on:

The Naming of Athens

Once, a long long time ago, there was a man named Cecrops. Cecrops, whose name means "face with a snake," was half-man and half-snake. He was also the founder and first king of Athens. Athens started looking pretty good, and Athena and Poseidon both wanted to be the patron of it. They were on the verge of attacking each other, when the wise Athena came up with an idea about who could win the city. It was decided that whoever gave the city the best gift would get it as her/his own. The people of the city would be the judges.

Leading a huge crowd, the two gods ascended to the Acropolis to give their gifts. Poseidon was first, and he lifted his trident and struck the earth with it. A spring shot forth and began pouring out water. The people sighed in wonder, but when they tasted it, they were not so impressed for the spring was as salty as the sea Poseidon ruled.

Athena, on the other hand, merely knelt and buried something in the ground. It was an olive tree. Simple, yes, but the olive tree was also a rich gift. It gave the Athenians the olives (food), oil, and wood. The people deemed Athena's the better gift. As the winner, Athena name the city after herself (Athens, of course).

Athena's Owl:  The goddess of Athen's is usually pictured with an owl to sybolize her wisdom.  Here is an unusual video showing an eagle owl landing on a security camera.  It made me think of Athena:
The "Owls" were used throughout ancient Greece because of their easy exchangeability. Athena's picture was on the reverse side. Owls thus became the world's first great trade currency,