Friday, November 4, 2011

                               Terracotta Soldiers of the Qin Dynasty

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Today we dug deeper into the early dynasties of ancient China.  After a map quiz on geographical China, we completed study of the Zhou and the 250-year Warring States Period that brought the end to the Zhou dynasty.  Emerging from civil war, the Qin were successful in consolidating power and uniting the warring regions into China's first empire. We then had a student presentation about Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor in China. The picture above is of some of the thousands of terracotta soldiers and horses that he had buried in his mausoleum. Although the Qin dynasty lasted only 15 years, it's impact on nation building was great.

For Tuesday, please prepare to discuss and hand in the following:

1. Your thread for China
2. An insight on one of the following primary source documents:
In your primary source article, I want to read your impressions and insights about the material - no descriptions needed.  Therefore, keep the length between a half to a full page of text.
For Tues or Thursday:

3. Critical Thinking Question on China:

The ancient Chinese culture was a technologically sophisticated one, based on a culture of innovation and discovery.  This period's contributions to world knowledge were immense.  Discuss how this dynamic culture could, over a period of time, become so isolated from the rest of the world.
(Document any outside sources you consult in preparing your answer.)

Reminder:  Turn your clocks back one hour Sunday morning to begin Daylight Savings Time!