Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today we took our first exam.  The grades are finished and the exams will be handed out in class on Thursday.  You will have an opportunity to repair any questions you missed. Here is what to do:
1. On a separate piece of paper, re-write the question with the correct answer. 
2. From your book, add one piece of additional information about the subject.
3. Turn in your repaired questions by Thursday, Nov.2.  For every one point you missed, you can earn back 1/2 point to raise your grade.

On Thursday, we will begin our exploration of ancient China, beginning with the Yellow River Civilization.  Please read pps. 53-77 in your text.  We will also have our second map quiz on ancient China.  I will hand out practice maps in class on Thursday.  Plan to take the map quiz the following Thursday, Nov. 3.