Thursday, October 20, 2011

                                                  King Ashoka and his Edicts

Thursday, 10/20/2011

Today we completed the unit on India.  We learned that war elephants were pivotal in both King Porus' battle against Alexander the Great, but also in King Ashoka's push to conquor almost the entire Indian sub-continent.  In addition, we learned that King Ashoka brought his belief in Buddhism and his grandfather's adoption of Jainism to his rule.  A rule that was marked by religious tolerance, reverance for life in all its forms, and social welfare.  All of this knowledge we will bring to Exam 1 on Tuesday.  Here is the practice test for the exam with all correct answers highlighted.  Have a great weekend!

HIS-111                T/H 2:30 – 3:45           Exam 1 Pre-Test  Fall, 2011 ******                                                                                   
Directions:  Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1.    The earliest tool-making hominid was _____.

a.      Homo erectus                           c. Neanderthal

b.      Homo habilis                             d. Homo sapiens

2.    Paleolithic peoples spent most of their time _____.

a.      farming                                      c. finding food

b.      making weapons                      d. raising animals

3.    These early humans were the first to walk upright and to migrate out of Africa: _____.

a.      Homo habilis                             c. Homo sapiens sapiens

b.      Hominid                                     d. Homo erectus

4.    The three-age period: Stone, Bronze, and Iron was used for classifying & studying ______

a. Egyptian kingdom periods          c. post-modern societies

b. Mesopotamian empires              d. prehistoric societies

5.    The Neolithic Revolution was the transition from _____.

a.      walking on all fours to walking upright     c. gathering food to growing food

b.      living in caves to living in huts                    d. using stone to using bronze for weapons

6.    “Standing Stone Circles” found in the Neolithic period were called _____.

a.      titans                                          c. megaliths

b.      neoliths                                      d. ziggurats

7.    In Mesopotamia, Hammurabi ruled from the city of _____.

a.      Ur                                                c. Uruk

b.      Babylon                                      d. Eridu

8.    The massive stepped tower in a Sumerian city was called a _____.

a.      ziggurat                                      c. pyramid

b.      megalith                                     d. pictograph

9.    The Sumerians developed a wedge-shaped stroke writing system called _____.

a.      hieroglyphs                                c. ideographs

b.      pictographs                               d. cuneiform

10.Hammurabi’s greatest contribution was a _____.

a.      written legal code                    c. unified political system

b.      golden age of art                     d. creation of a military state

11.  The story of a Mesopotamian king who sought for the secret of immortality was called the Epic of ____ .

a.      Uruk                                            c. Babylon

b.      Xerxes                                         d. Gilgamesh

12.  Which of the following is NOT a natural defense for early Egyptian civilization?

a.      Cataracts on the Nile              c. deserts to the east and west

b.      Marshy delta to the north      d. yearly flooding from the Nile River

13.  The Nile River is created from two other rivers that flow together.  They are the ____ and the _____.

a.      Blue , Red                                  c. White, Red

b.      Blue, White                               d. Red, Yellow

14.  In the “Old Kingdom” period in Egypt, pharaohs were considered ____.

a.      shepherds of the people         c. servants of the people

b.      living gods                                 d. stewards of the land

15.  _____, the Scorpion King, founded the first Egyptian dynasty and united Upper and Lower Egypt.

a.      Imhotep                                     c. Menes

b.      Gilgamesh                                  d. Tutankhamen

16.  The Great Pyramid of Giza was built during the ______.

a.      New Kingdom                           c. the Kushite Period

b.      Middle Kingdom                       d. Old Kingdom

17.  Ancient Egyptians, like the Mesopotamians, had religious beliefs that could be called _____.

a.  polytheism                                   c. monotheism

b. rationalism                                   d. communism

18.  All of the following are cultural contributions of the Old Kingdom in Egypt EXCEPT _____.

a. hieroglyphics                            c. knowledge of surgery

b. cultivating grapes for wine   d. invention of the compass

19. During the Middle Kingdom, the pharaohs were considered _____.

a. shepherds of the people            c.  emissaries of the gods

b. living gods                                    d. stewards of the land

20.  The New Kingdom Egyptians were conquered and ruled by the _____ for about 100 years.

a. Assyrians                                       c. Sea People

b.  Phoenicians                                 d. Hyksos

21.  One of the first female pharaohs, Queen Hatshepsut, made a historic voyage to the Land of _____.

a. Punt                                                 c. Phonecia

b. Punicus                                            d. Hatti

22.The lands to the south of Egypt were known as Nubia and later as the Kingdom of _____.

a. Canaan                                          c. Kush

b. Hyksos                                           d. Khartoum

23.  The Kadesh Treaty was an agreement between the _____ and the _____.

a. Egyptians, Kush                           c. Phoenicians, Hittites

b. Egyptians, Hittites                       d. Kush, Assyrians

24.  The Canaanites were later called _____ by the Greeks.

a. Hittites                                          c. Phoenicians

b. Israelites                                       d. Assyrians

25.  Queen Dido founded the Phoenician colony city of __________ on the coast of northern Africa.

a. Alexandria                                      c. Tunis

b. Carthage                                         d. Meroe

26. The Phoenicians passed their ____ on to the ancient Greeks.

a. religion                                          c. trade routes

b. sailing knowledge                       d. alphabet

27.  King Solomon is known for all of the following EXCEPT _____.

a.  great wisdom                          c.  a visit from the Queen of Sheba

b.  dividing the Israelites            d.  building the temple in Jerusalem

28.  After Solomon, the Israelites were split into two kingdoms, the Kingdom of _____ and the Kingdom of ____.

a. Carthage, Israel                         c. Judah, Israel

b. Kush, Canaan                             d. Israel, Kush

29.  The _____ were the first nation to accept Christianity.

a. Kushites                                   c. Phoenicians

b. Assyrians                                 d. Hittites

30.  King Nebuchadnezzar is best known for building the _____.

a. Temple of Jerusalem            c. Silk Route

b. ziggurat of Ur                         d. Hanging Gardens of Babylon

31.  The Persian Empire was first forged by _____.

a. Cyrus the Great                         c. Xerxes

b. Darius I                                        d. Nebuchadnezzar

32.  The main cities of the Indus River Valley Civilization are Harappa and ______.

a. Mohenjo-daro                             b. Anyang

c. Babylon                                         d. Gandahar

33.  Scholars believe that the inhabitants of the Indus Valley were a _____ speaking people.

a. Indo-European                            c. Dravidian

b. Aramaic                                         d. Semitic

34. The Aryan invasion brought all of these changes to the Indus Valley EXCEPT _____.

a. writing system                             c. class system

b. bronze casting                             d. organized religion

35.  TRUE or FALSE:   Alexander the Great entered India but turned back before conquering the entire country.

36. India’s great ruler was considered to be King ____ of the Mauryan Dynasty.

a. Chandragupta                              c. Ashoka

b. Gandhi                                           d. Guatama

37. Which of the following is NOT a central tenant in Hinduism?

a. asceticism                                     c. reincarnation

b. celibacy                                         d. karma

38.  TRUE or FALSE:  Buddha was born Siddhartha Gautama, to a low caste family.

39.  TRUE or FALSE:  The Swastika is a sacred symbol found in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.

40.The _____ Empire united the northern kingdoms of India in the 1st century.

a. Kushan                                           c. Mauryan

b. Gujarat                                          d. Mayan