Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday, October 6

On Thursday we finished up our discussion of New Centers of Civilization in the ancient Near East with a final look at the Chaldean Empire and a first examination of the Persian Empire.  King Cyrus of Persia was the foresighted leader of this era with his benevolent approach to territorial expansion.

Next we moved east and began to explore the geography of the the Indian sub-continent and the Indus River civilization that is located in present-day Pakistan. One of the mysteries of this ancient civilization was their script.  Here a link to the latest work done in trying to decode it:
The Indus Script

Our two cities of focus are Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. For next Tuesday, make sure you complete reading of the chapter on the Indus River civilization. In addition, prepare your thread assignment for discussion in class.  For those who like to work ahead, we will be doing primary source discussion for Thursday.  Here are the two articles we will discuss from the Fordham site:

Vishnu, The Cosmic God

The Laws of Manu

Also, we have two presentions this week:

Sarah will present "The Odyssey" on Tuesday.
Mauricio will present "Spartucus" on Thursday.

Have a nice Columbus Day holiday on Monday!