Tuesday, March 6, 2012

                         Alexander riding his war horse, Bucephalus, into India

Week 7.1 :

This is the last week before Spring Break and the evaluation of your E-Portfolios. 
Please look over your syllabus to make sure you have included all necessary points.

Today we will complete our exploration of the Indus River Valley Civilization and
prepare for our first exam on the first three civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and
the Indus River Valley.  For Thursday, be prepared to present your E-Portfolio first,
before the exam, followed by the exam in the final hour of the course.

The critical thinking question for the Indus River Valley is:

CTQ - Indus Valley: Given that the Harrappan civilization in the Indus River Valley was a sophisticated one with evidence of urban planning and an organized administration that supported a large population, discuss possible explanations of how the Aryans imposed a religious-based caste system on that civilization that allowed the Aryans to hold higher social positions than the original peoples of Harrappa.

(Document any outside sources you consult in preparing your answer.)