Friday, March 23, 2012

Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.
~ Sun Tzu

Week 10.1

No class Tuesday, March 27 due to Professional Development Day at BHCC. Classes run between 11:30am and 3:55pm are supposed to be cancelled. Classes running after 3:55 are to run as usual.

Local Event: "Seeking Shambhala"

Where: Museum of Fine Arts, (Avenue of the Arts, 465 Huntington Avenue,  Boston, MA 02115)
What: Exhibit of  Tibetan Buddhist art through October 20, 2012.  Among the collection are 22 thangkas.  Thangkas are silk and cotton scrolls with paintings of the 32 mythological kings designated by the Buddha to protect the sacred teaching about the "Wheel of Time".  Added to this exhibit are modern Tibetan art pieces produced by Gonkar Gyatso, a Tibetan artist currently living in London.

Check your local library to get free passes to visit this collection!